Today I will introduce an unusual, small lake, which are rarely to mentioned, among many world famous natural attractions in Durmitor. I introduced him and in my photo book Šavnik - the secrets of nature.
At this time, in early May 2010, staying in Zabljak, one morning I went to the south side of the Durmitor National Park to see how it looks in the May sunrise. It was cloudy and did not promise a spectacular sunrise. Driving up, I watched the snowy "prošarice" on the remote peaks of Morača's mountains, Sinjajevina's this on the slopes of Durmitor in front of me. The scene that I saw the left hand forced me to stop immediately. I stopped below the top of a stake, he took the camera and went out. I watched Suva Lokva bigger than ever! It went up like a mushroom after the rain than snow that melted from Durmitor. Crystal clear, emerald green, the color of water froze my breath and paralyzing sight! As if I found myself in the middle of the scene from The Lord of the Rings, or in an area that from Tolkien's imagination ?! This image is one of a series of shots that have arisen that morning. I was lucky to have a couple of times the sun's rays break through the clouds and made a spectacular scene on the water of the lake that is shed as a bead in countless flex the legs and dark shades of green and blue ...
At this time, in early May 2010, staying in Zabljak, one morning I went to the south side of the Durmitor National Park to see how it looks in the May sunrise. It was cloudy and did not promise a spectacular sunrise. Driving up, I watched the snowy "prošarice" on the remote peaks of Morača's mountains, Sinjajevina's this on the slopes of Durmitor in front of me. The scene that I saw the left hand forced me to stop immediately. I stopped below the top of a stake, he took the camera and went out. I watched Suva Lokva bigger than ever! It went up like a mushroom after the rain than snow that melted from Durmitor. Crystal clear, emerald green, the color of water froze my breath and paralyzing sight! As if I found myself in the middle of the scene from The Lord of the Rings, or in an area that from Tolkien's imagination ?! This image is one of a series of shots that have arisen that morning. I was lucky to have a couple of times the sun's rays break through the clouds and made a spectacular scene on the water of the lake that is shed as a bead in countless flex the legs and dark shades of green and blue ...
Danas ću vam predstaviti jedno neobično, malo jezero, koje se rijetko gdje pominje, između brojnih svetski poznatih prirodnih atrakcija na Durmitoru. Predstavio sam ga i u mojoj fotomonografiji Šavnik - tajne prirode.
Upravo u ovom periodu, početkom maja 2010. godine, boraveći
na Žabljaku, jednog ranog jutra uputio sam se prema južnoj strani Nacionalnog
parka Durmitor da vidim kako izgleda u to majsko svitanje. Bilo je oblačno i nije
obećavalo neki spektakularan izlazak sunca. Vozeći se, posmatrao sam sniježne
”prošarice” na udaljenim vrhovima Moračkih planina, Sinjavine i ove na
obroncima Durmitora ispred mene. Prizor koji sam ugledao se lijeve strane
primorao me je da se odmah zaustavim. Zaustavio sam se ispod vrha Stožina, uzeo
fotoaparat i izašao van. Ugledao sam Suvu Lokvu veću nego ikad! Porasla je kao
pečurka posle kiše od snijega koji se otapao sa Durmitora. Kristalno bistra, smaragdno
zelena, boja vode zaledila mi je dah i paralisala pogled! Kao da sam se našao u
sred scene iz Gospodara prstenova, ili u nekom predjelu koji je izmaštao Tolkin ?! Ova fotografija je jedan iz serije snimaka
koji su nastali tog jutra. Imao sam sreću da su se sunčevi zraci par puta
probili kroz oblak i napravili spektakularne scene na vodi jezera koja se prelivala kao perla u bezbrojnim
svijtlo-tamnim nijansama zeleno-plave…
Foto: © Igor Šuntić / "Suva Lokva" (Dry puddle) / may 2010.
Created : 5/12/2010 Canon
EOS 5D Mark II Lens: EF24-105mm Exposure: 1/100 sec; f/20;
ISO 160
These are just some moments for eternity, when for a
moment you feel like Alice in Wonderland! These are the colors, vivid images,
experiences, the true power of nature, the scent of the wild, mixed with
alchemical and esoteric effects that you forever connect to Durmitor NationalPark and still have a desire to return to again experience the indescribable
feeling when words are small, when indulging silence and speech of nature.
For this post I chose one older photo taken pčetkom 2009, one winter afternoon to see how it looks Suva lokva during the winter when there is not much snow. *
To su prosto neki momenti za vječnost kada se za trenutak
osjetite kao Alisa u zemlji čuda! To su boje, žive slike, doživljaji, istinska
moć prirode, mirisi divljine, pomiješani sa alhemijskim i ezoteričnim efektom
koji vas prsto zauvijek vežu za Nacionalni park Durmitor i uvijek imate želju
da se vratite, da opet doživite taj neopisivi osjećaj kada su riječi male, kada
se prepuštate tišini i govoru prirode.
Za ovaj post odabrao sam još jednu stariju fotografiju koja
je nastala pčetkom 2009. godine, jednog
zimskog popodneva, da vidite kako Suva lokva izgleda u zimskom periodu
kada nema previše snijega.
Nikon D 70s Lens: EF 24-85mm Exposure: 1/320 sec; f/7.1;
ISO 200
Years later, I returned to see what it looks like this
little lake in all seasons. This is a photo from the spring of 2011, a few days
after the dissolution of the winter ice cover, showing the undissolved pieces
of ice.
Kasnije sam se godinama vraćao da vidim kako izgleda ovo
jezerce u svim godišnjim dobima. Ovo je fotografija iz proljeća 2011, nekoliko
dana po otapanju ledenog zimskog pokrivača, na kojoj se vide komadi
neotopljenog leda.
Foto: © Igor Šuntić / "Suva Lokva" (Dry puddle)/ spring 2011/ Montenegro
EOS 5D Mark II Lens: EF 70-200mm Exposure: 1/320 sec; f/ 9;
ISO 100
springtime, Suva lokva becomes one of the most beautiful lakes on Durmitor,
surrounded by the attractive summits of Ranisava, Sedlena greda and Stozina. It
can dry out during the summer and therefore it got its name “Suva lokva” – “Dry puddle”.
U proljećnim danima, ”Suva
lokva” je jedno od najljepših
jezera na Durmitoru, okružena atraktivnim vrhovima Ranisave, Sedlene grede i
Stožine. Tokom ljeta se dešava da presuši, pa je po tome jezero dobilo naziv ”Suva
lokva”. *
EOS 5D Mark II Lens: EF 70-200mm Exposure: 1/320 sec; f/11;
ISO 200
Well, if you want to photo shooting or just to enjoy in
amazing beauty of the lake and picturesque Durmitor peaks that surround it,
plan a visit these days because in the summer you might not even see it?! -
Maybe it evaporates?! ☺
Dakle, ako želite da fotografišete ili samo da uživate u
nestvanoj ljepoti ovog jezera i živopisnih Durmitorskih vrhova koji ga
okružuju, planirajte posjetu ovih dana jer ga na ljeto možda nećete ni vidjeti
?! – Možda ispari ?! ☺
P.S. Koliko
vi imate vremena za druženje sa prirodom? Da li više volite planine, jezera,
rijeke, divljinu, netaknutu prirodu, Nacionalne parkove ili neki gradski park
koji će vas opustiti? Možda volite more i stare gradove? Pišite mi u
komentarima. :)
vam lijep vikend
puno aktivnog odmora u prirodi,
veliki pozdrav,
Igor / 5.05.2016
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